Being in a very restricted situation in term of antennas in Paris downtown where I live and after having spent many years testing various magnetic loops and other shortened antennas, I decided to give a try to a remote station following examples of remarkably efficient “remote” stations good friends of mine were able to implement… Read More

When summer is back, I often like to go outside for HF portable operations. Personally, I do not like to carry too much equipment so I find the QRP approach quite appropriate to me. Operating QRP requires to select an efficient antenna. Sometimes, light wire antennas can be easily erected when natural supports are available… Read More

This simple and neat project comes from a excellent article of Dan Wissell, N1BYT, published in QST, August 2001, p.34-37. In a nut shell, the design of this receiver takes the advantages of a regenerative receiver (simplicity, sensitivity) and try to adress the issues which are antenna radiation, microphonics and hand capacity effects. The design uses… Read More

If you have already read my page describing my operating conditions, you might have understand that I regularly tune an antenna tuner at the base of a random wire with cointerpoise. Even if there are ways to do it, it is not convenient to do when the transceiver and the antenna tuner are not located in the… Read More

This started about 25 years ago when my friend Eric and I were searching for old BCLs. One day, Eric found a stock of BCLs that we purchased together and decided to share. Among them, one particularly retained my attention due to its green color and “crocodile” pattern applied all arround it, so I decided… Read More

I am not going to explain the theory of this antenna since it is very well described in literature and on many web sites (see my links page) but, more practically, I would like to give here an overview of the successful designs I have tested and some useful tricks. However, just as a short… Read More

When deciding it was time to replace my homemade 4 elements 10 meters beam by a new directive antenna, I was expecting a type of antenna that would allow me to be active on multiple bands, ideally from 10 to 20 meters; and it had to be a homemade project. I had a large glance… Read More

After my 4 elements periodic logarithmic beam has been destroyed, I was again looking for a directive antenna with a simple design that could allow a coverage of all bands from 20 to 10 m. I found in a French magazine (MEGAHERTZ N°96, Feb 1991, F9HJ, p91-95) an original article about the W8JK: it was an… Read More

If you have reached this page from, it may certainly mean that we have made a contact, so first, many thanks for this contact! With this modest home page, I will try to provide some information about my current operating conditions and what are my main interests in Ham Radio. You will also find the… Read More