Home-made CW paddle Initially, I was looking for a small iambic paddle for CW operation in portable and also in mobile (well, not while driving !). I finally found what seemed to be, at least from my point of view, the ideal paddle on G4ZPY web site: the « Miniature 3 in 1 iambic twin paddle key ». This paddle seemed… Read More
QRP operations QRP activity is a very simple way to get of a lot of fun both in term of homebrewing and contacts. You can practice it almost everywhere with reduced budget. Here are a few examples of different setups I have been using over the last years. my homebuilt CW QRP 40 meter + home made… Read More
Mobile operation There are many reasons to implement a mobile radio setup in your car, or other transportation means. One is simply because you like it for what it is. Another reason can be when you cannot perform much trafic at home for various reasons (in my case because living within Paris downtown doesn’t help to implement… Read More
Portable Z-match tuner For portable operations, I was looking for a multiband compact Tuner able to tune both symetrical and coaxial feeders and that would be easy to build. After many searchs on the Web, I finally found few Web pages about the Z-match design (see my « Links » page for some usefull sites and for the schematics). The… Read More
QRP Z-Match Tuner Being very satisfied by the use of my first Z-match antenna tuner described above, I wanted a more compact one to use with my 5 watts FT-817 transceiver. Looking again on the web gave me useful information about such design, the solution being to use small variable capacitors that can be easily found in old… Read More
My two stations Somehow, I have the chance to have two stations. However, things are not so simple but that is the way I have been operating since I got my license in 1991 ! My station in Paris, France I did not grew up here but I have been living in Paris downtown for about 30 years,… Read More